Social Justice Media
Videos for the Clean Clothes Campaign
I co-wrote and produced this series of 3 videos with Jenessa Joffe to promote garment worker raising awareness about the conditions of garment workers, and support the work of the many organizations that have come together as part of the Clean Clothes Campaign and the Worker-driven Social Responsibility Network.
Here’s a picture on set!
Houston in Action “H-Town Votes” Campaign
I co-wrote and produced this series of 3 videos with Jenessa Joffe to get out the youth vote in Asian American communities in Houston, TX and beyond. These were all recorded remotely in the pandemic using the camera work of parents and their phones. These videos were also translated into Chinese and Vietnamese.
Ever heard a guy say, “I'm not racist, I’ve dated Asian/Latina/Black women before?" We decided to explore the illogic that proximity equates “wokeness” in this video!
Director/ Cinematographer/ Editor: Tani Ikeda